Time to Explore Northumberland & the Scottish Borders Derek Sharman MBE. Tour Guide since 1988 Tel: 01289 330218 - Email: timetoexplore@btinternet.com
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Since 1975 Time to Explore has organised and delivered dozens of themed events and festivals, trade and public exhibitions throughout North East England.

Projects and festivals planned and managed by Derek Sharman and Time to Explore include the Union of the Crowns 400, Royal Charter 400 and Berwick 900 commemorations, King James's Sports Festival, the Golden Age of Northumbria featuring our Anglo-Saxon and early Christian heritage, and events celebrating themes such as First and Second World War anniversaries, the Eve of Trafalgar and the Food Heritage of Berwick-upon-Tweed.

Derek Sharman MBE, BA (Hons) is a qualified adult and further education tutor and offers courses and talks on a wide variety of local and general history topics.

21st & 22nd July 2018

“Defending The Border”

Berwick Ramparts & Town Hall

A weekend of living history activities and a colourful exhibition illustrating centuries of turbulent Border history between the Battle of Carham (1018) and The Union of The Crowns (1603)

10.00am to 4.00pm each day


Events, Heritage Projects, Courses and Talks

BEA CoursesUnion of The Crowns 400Royal Charter 400Hexham RiotEve of TrafalgarBerwick at War 1939-45The War with RussiaGolden Age of NorthumbriaFood Heritage ProjectBerwick 900Challenging History